Charles Barouch


Canyons of the Damned #34
by 4 Authors

Canyons of the Damned #34

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Anthology Series.

Canyons of the Damned #34

Ship of the Dead by Charles Barouch is one four stories, each by a different author. Daniel Authur Smith, Terry R. Hill, Nathan Beauchamp, and Charles Barouch. In Ship of the Dead, Brena Childs works in the Asteroid Belt, but she isn't a miner. Her job is to take her friends on their last ride.

ThemeThology: Real World Unreal
by Various Authors

ThemeThology: Real World Unreal

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Book 4: ThemeThology

ThemeThology: Real World Unreal

House Sampson by Charles Barouch.
A funeral for a friend becomes a sort of family reunion. A horrible secret is unlocked by a portrait of a dead man. He's not family but you are more closely connected to him than you realize. So very much more closely.

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Trenchcoat Chronicles
by Various Authors

Trenchcoat Chronicles

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Trenchcoat Chronicles

Pearls before... by Charles Barouch and Ann Stolinsky is a light story in the vein of Hallmark movies.

Various Articles
by Charles Barouch
See Details

Various Articles
Various Articles

Articles by Charles Barouch


Tiago Versus the Jezoani
by Charles Barouch

Tiago Versus the Jezoani

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Book 2: Interrogative Series.

Tiago Versus the Jezoani

Programmer. Subversive. Thief.
Tiago and his crew – half of them simulated people, the other half mass murderers – set out in their stolen space ship for a second adventure. This time, they run afoul of the Jezoani; a race on a mission to rid the universe of villainy.

Ticallo's Promise
by Charles Barouch
Not Yet Released

Ticallo's Promise
Ticallo's Promise

Meet the Dwarves of the Howling Lands. Among the industrious Dwarves, Ticallo and his friends stood out. They were the laziest. But Ticallo's empty pockets and big mouth will conspire to change everything. And there's a Dragon.
Inspired by the art of Aaron Howdle.

Day I Died
by Varous Authors

Day I Died

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Book 2: ThemeTholgy

Day I Died

Another Stop on the Train
What if you could be reincarnated forever, with your memories restored each time? What if the price was that you had to live each life with a crazy person?

Across the Universe
by 25 Authors

Across the Universe

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Anthology full of tales of the Alternate Beatles. They're meeting presidents, dealing with the devil, and chatting across time.

Across the Universe

The Perfect Bridge by Charles Barouch is one of twenty-five stories, each by a different author. Included in this anthology: David Gerrold, Jody Lynn Nye, and Keith DeCandido, and Charles Barouch.

ThemeThology: Mad Science
by Various Authors

ThemeThology: Mad Science

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Book 5: ThemeThology.

ThemeThology: Mad Science

Arm's Way by Charles Barouch
The arms race heats up... in the cave of a Stone Age inventor. The most dangerous human is the one with the best understanding of what a rock can do.

Tiago and the Masterless
by Charles Barouch

Tiago and the Masterless

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Book 1: Interrogative Series.

Tiago and the Masterless

Programmer. Subversive. Thief.
Tiago has stolen the colony ship Interrogative, the most advanced in Earth’s fleet. With only the ship’s computer and Audra - a holographic interface made incarnate - for company, he’s going slowly mad. He needs more. He needs people — no matter how loosely defined the term. He finds a planet with signs of civilization: A lush world full of farms. But what will the aliens, the Masterless, think of Tiago Salazar?

Unbreakable Ink 2
by Various Authors

Unbreakable Ink 2

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Unbreakable Ink 2

The Code War by Charles Barouch
Sentient, alien code realizes it is enslaved. The code is mad and headed for Earth. What could possibly go wrong?

Canyons of the Damned #40
by 4 Authors

Canyons of the Damned #40

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Anthology Series.

Canyons of the Damned #40

Gibberlings by Charles Barouch is one four stories, each by a different author. Daniel Authur Smith, Hunter C. Eden, Steve Oden, and Charles Barouch. Splash. Sizzle. Freeze. Shatter. Sink.Gibberlings invade a small town.

Adjacent Fields
by Charles Barouch

Adjacent Fields

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This is Mainstream Science Fiction set in the go-go business boom-and-bust of the 1980s.

Adjacent Fields

What happens if you invent teleportation and the first questions are: Where's your marketing plan? How are you going to keep the VCs from taking it away from you? How much are you willing to reveal in the patent application?

by various Authors


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Secret messages passed via banana.


The Hand of Doom by Charles Barouch is one several stories, each by a different author. Included in this anthology: Shebat Legion, Ann Stolinsky, and Charles Barouch.

Theme-Thology: New Myths
by Various Authors

Theme-Thology: New Myths

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Book 3: ThemeThology

Theme-Thology: New Myths

Itzken by Charles Barouch
Itzken's a storyteller, a mythteller, in a world that has lost respect for those tales. The Trickster God still has plans for you. Plans that will move you from quiet despiration to utter chaos.