Micha Fire

Micha Fire

Theme-Thology: Invasion

Theme-Thology: Day I Died

Theme-Thology: New Myths

Theme-Thology: Real World Unreal

Theme-Thology: Mad Science


As a teenager, Micha Fire moved with her family for 5 years to Papua New Guinea, went to school 3 years in Australia and one year in Japan during that time. Thus English has become a second mother tongue to her and the favorite one to express her thoughts in writing.
Having lived overseas has influenced her stories as they can occur any place in the world.
Her favorite genre is Science Fiction, but Fantasy and Love stories are a great writing field too.
Her author page on Amazon: http://www.amazon.de/-/e/B00HM6ZAQ4
Her website: www.michafire.net - including her art and poetry.