Ian Harac

Ian Harac

Theme-Thology: Real World Unreal

Tiago and the Masterless

Tiago Versus the Jezoani

Tiago in the Tunnels of Krall

Tiago Faces the Abyss

Tiago the Pawn

Theme-Thology: Mad Science


Ian Harac writes fantasy, SF, and a smegton of gaming material, often with the "help" of his cats. As with most writers, though, he actually earns his living as a programmer.
A long career in game-mastering (closing in on 40 years) has strongly influenced his writing style, which is why so many of his stories feature characters randomly wandering off-plot to spend fifty pages haggling with a merchant over copper pieces, the oncoming dragon army be damned. Well, not really... but that is a damn good idea and I'm going to have to do something with it...