Alesha Escobar

Alesha Escobar

Theme-Thology: New Myths


Alesha Escobar writes fantasy to support her chocolate habit. She enjoys everything from Tolkien and Dante to the Dresden Files and Hellblazer comics. She resides in California with her partner-in-crime, Luis Escobar, a 20-year art veteran on The Simpsons television show. Alesha is the author of The Gray Tower Trilogy, an action-packed supernatural spy thriller set in an alternate 1940's. The trilogy books have hit the Amazon bestsellers lists for Historical Fantasy and Mash-ups. You can find Alesha at her weekly blog, Fantasy, Mash-ups, & Mayhem, where she discusses fantasy and science fiction TV shows, movies and books, and celebrity gossip. She's just kidding about the celebrity gossip.
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